Natural Digestive Healing

Body of Work: Health Starts From Within

Guest post by: Brad Krause

Writer and Owner of

Body of Work: Health Starts From Within

The general rule in life is that you get out of things what you put into them, and your body is a prime example. A lifestyle that promotes physical and mental wellness leads to overall health and happiness. Here are a few tips on how to get the most out of your mind, body and soul.

Nurture your emotional being

It’s hard to make any strides in your overall wellness if your emotional health is suffering. It’s natural to feel stress every now and then, but if you’re constantly feeling like you’re at your limit, it’s time to make some serious moves to improve your mental health. You may find it helpful to reach out to a licensed counselor or therapist to help you identify and work through the circumstances that are weighing you down, and he or she may recommend a medication to help you find some balance in your day-to-day grind. If you are hesitant to take antidepressant or anti-anxiety medication, one option you and your therapist may want to explore is cannabinoids (CBD). CBD is an increasingly-popular, all-natural treatment that doesn’t stimulate or intoxicate patients, and can help with anxiety and its physical symptoms, such as nausea and headaches.

You are what you eat

One of your most important priorities when it comes to your physical health is to simply eat healthy foods. A diet full of real foods – those with their nutrition intact – will have a positive effect on your bones, muscles, heart, brain, and everything that makes you, you. Healthy Living Made Simple summarizes the effects of food by saying that what you eat has “a powerful impact on your body – inside and out.”

Just keep moving

A balanced diet leads to sustained energy and endurance, which means you can exercise and reap further health and wellness benefits. Regular physical activity will help you avoid excessive strain and injuries to your muscles. A 30-minute jog pre-faced with 15 minutes of exercise and wrapped up with a 10-minute walk to cool down is a great way to care for your physical health each day. Premier Orthopedics explains that people who exercise have stronger muscles than their stagnant same-age peers. In addition to jogging, healthy weight-bearing exercises for adults include dancing, jumping rope and even hiking up steep terrain.

Keep your joints on point

Your mind and muscles can only get you so far if you don’t maintain your ability to move without pain. The health of your joints is just as important as any other feature of your body. Performing exercises that promote joint maneuverability can help you avoid chronic pain conditions, such as arthritis. Science Daily attests that there are many factors that contribute to joint health, but notes that obesity at any age can contribute to osteoarthritis and other inflammatory conditions in your most vulnerable joints – the hips and knees.

 Sleep it off

Finally, the amount of sleep you get each night has a serious impact on your physical and mental health. Common wisdom notes that adults need approximately eight hours of brain-boosting sleep each night. This is just enough time for the body to complete five REM sleep cycles, which is when the mind is most active and the body is most relaxed. Getting the right amount of sleep each night can lower your chances of obesity, and improve productivity and concentration. Sleep may even lower your chances of developing serious health problems, including type II diabetes.

Many of the most damaging health conditions can be prevented, or at least diminished, by keeping your body healthy, but that starts with working on how you feel about yourself and the world around you. So, nurture your emotional wellness, fill your plate with a healthy and bountiful harvest, get enough sleep, and keep your muscles and joints on the move.

Author: Brad Krause

Owner of


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