Natural Digestive Healing

Benefits of nut milk

What are the benefits of nut milk?

Have you ever wondered how food manufacturers make nut milk? From almond to cashew, nut milk is simply any non-dairy milk made from nuts, filtered water and other flavors or additives. Nut milk is the ideal choice for anyone who wants to experience the nutritional benefits of cow's milk, but cannot or chooses not consume dairy proteins. The reasons for this may include inflammation, dairy intolerance and more.

In her book, "Gut and Psychology Syndrome," Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride writes nuts are highly nourishing and can serve as rich sources of vital minerals, fats and amino acids. Certain studies indicate, she explains, that people who regularly eat nuts have lower rates of cancer, heart disease and other degenerative illnesses. 

"Nut milk is a good source of vitamins."

Top benefits of nut milk
Nut milk is a good source of vitamins, such as C, B6, E, riboflavin, niacin, thiamine and folate. It also is low in fat, but high in energy, fiber, protein and lipids. This milk also contains other essential minerals, such as phosphorus, calcium, iron, sodium, zinc and magnesium. All of these vitamins and minerals are essential for a maintaining a healthy, functioning body. 

Nut milk also reduces and maintains blood pressure. The body relies on vitamins and other minerals to move blood through the veins, which means they help veins contract and expand freely. Blockage and poor movement in the veins results in high blood pressure levels, which is a serious, life-threatening medical problem. For people who are lactose intolerant or cannot consume soy or dairy products, nut milk serves as a nutritional replacement in providing these essential vitamins and minerals. 

How to make homemade nut milk
As beneficial as nut milk can be, many store-bought brands are full of preservatives, stabilizers, sugars and other hidden ingredients. This is why many people, particularly GAPS Diet participants, make their own homemade nut milks. Not only is it more nutritious, but you can use the nut pulp in other recipes and customize your milk with a variety of all-natural flavor offerings. In the book "The Health Your Gut Cookbook," Hilary Boynton and Mary Brackett include this easy nut milk recipe:


  • 1 cup crispy nuts
  • 4 cups fresh filtered water

Soak your nuts in filtered water for a few hours before blending. This saturates the nuts from the inside out, which creates a creamer texture. Place ingredients in blender and pulse for 30 seconds to a minute. Strain the milk into a container through a cheese cloth or nut milk bag. Gently press down on the solids and squeeze the bag to release all the milk. You can then add spices, flavors or sweeteners, depending on your preference. You can store the milk up to three days in your fridge. Save the nut pulp to cook with later!

For additional information about the GAPS Diet and how to get started, you can consult with a Certified GAPS Practitioner and visit our website today!